Texas Patriot

Collection of news stories, comments/observations on events directly affecting American politics & society.

Archive for May, 2009

Texas Woman Told US Flag Is Offensive


A local woman, in the DFW Metroplex area, was forced to remove Old Glory from her office because of a complaint made by a co-worker who is an immigrant to the U.S.

The woman’s supervisor removed her flag and placed it on the FLOOR, adding insult to injury. This took place right before the Memorial Day weekend no less (adding further insult to injury).

Debbie McLucas, a supervisor at Kindred hospital in Mansfield, Texas had a 3’x5’ flag hanging in an office that she shares with the other 3 hospital supervisors. One of which was the complainer and is also an immigrant here from Africa.

This is both unbelievable and OUTRAGEOUS!

The one who complained was the one who took it upon herself to remove the flag and then laid it down on the floor. That is inexcusable behavior and gross misconduct! This goes against protocol and is a slap in the face to our military, their families, and every American patriot. It is a most grievous insult, and should be treated as such.

“When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive. ‘I was just totally speechless. I was like, ‘You’re kidding me,’ McLucas said.

McLucas’ husband and sons are former military men. Her daughter is currently serving in Iraq as a combat medic.

McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa. McLucas said that supervisor took down the flag herself.”

Incidentally, I submitted a comment, but it called me Anonymous. I didn’t see a place to sign in. My comment is the one that starts with “Shame, shame, SHAME . . . . “ I’ll figure out how to sign in and repost under my name. I’m not ashamed to tell the truth.

I hope that enough people will take offense at this and let Kindred know it. We need to be showing support for our country and our troops, esp at a time when our current administration is doing SO much to undermine our country and our troops.

Used to, immigrants to our shores were so very THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to be allowed to come live here, in a land where they could prosper and do better for themselves than what their previous prospects had been. They would join the military and took GREAT pride in displaying the American flag and in participating in acts of freedom granted to them by being citizens of these United States of America!

Now we have a bunch of spoiled rotten little babies on the bottle,  that are not only fault-finding grumbling murmurers, but also most ungracious and unappreciative. This type of person really should consider leaving America and moving somewhere else entirely. Let them go to France or better yet–CUBA!

U.S. Flag Found on Floor After Immigrant Complains


Supervisor Asks Woman To Take Down American Flag



Erase Me_Fukengruvin


Obama Deems Steelers More Important than 100 Kindergarteners


The kindergarteners from Stafford County, VA were scheduled to have their field trip to the White House to meet with the President Thursday morning (May 14th).

Due to traffic circumstances the kids were 10 minutes late (ONLY ten minutes folks).  But Obama’s staff told them that he was too busy getting ready for his meeting with the Pittsburgh Steelers to meet with them. (Wow, get a load of those priorities. Don’t you think that’s kind of messed up? I know I do.)

TEN minutes late.  So . . . was he only planning to give the kindergartners 10 minutes of his time to begin with????? What is UP with THAT?

Then the spin doctors tried to smooth over the appearance of it all to the press, by saying that Obama had planned to create care packages for U.S. troops with the Steelers players—Yeah sure, THAT’s what it was—of course Obama AND the Steelers are just so much more important than those little children that had been planning this trip for months and paid for a charter bus to take them to the White House.  Understandably the kids were crushed. (PRI-OR-I-TIES)

In all honesty, I’m sure the Pittsburgh Steelers would’ve been more than happy to allow him time to spend with the kids for probably an entire hour. In fact, most of your sports figures take active part in working with local kids to encourage them. I’ll bet if asked, the Steelers players would’ve been happy to meet with the little tykes along WITH (or without)  Obama.

The way these things go, the blame will be cast all about by the spin doctors—on everybody else under the sun—but the plain truth is that Obama is at fault here. He knew what he was doing, and he dissed the kids without any thought for their feelings. But this is in keeping with his personality (that many people are not aware of).

He really doesn’t care (even though we were led to believe so). Just keep paying attention, the truth always comes out in the end.

I’m going to classify this article under Odd & Bizarre (for lack of better title). It really is odd, and I think, unconsionable to treat those small children like the dregs in a tea cup. Understandably one of the parents was pretty miffed.

I’ll bet most of the other parents were as well. It was ridculous–and don’t let him get away with blame-shifting on this–there is not a good excuse–he made a judgment call from his heart.  It was a poor judgment call, like several other poor judgment calls our current administration has made so far.

Muslim Terrorist Plot In NY Against Americans & Jews

The FBI and NYPD captured 4 Muslim men Wednesday night who had plotted terrorist bombings on Jewish synagogues/centers and military targets in New York.  This was reported early on by my local NBC affiliate.

They attempted to plant bombs outside Jewish community centers in Riverdale (Bronx area). At least one of the bombs was a car bomb

“The FBI said the Muslim suspects were angry and full of hate for America.” (Well apparently they’re also anti-Semitic, let’s not miss that disturbing little fact. Americans and Jews—no matter where they are—seem to be the scapegoats and absolute targets of  every Muslim extremist we’ve found so far. Yep, definite pattern.)

Thankfully, the FBI knew of their plot for about a year, and even supplied them with fake bombs in an undercover operation prior to the attempt to use the bombs to murder innocent people.

An additional disturbing fact is that the leader of the Muslim terrorists has 27 (yes TWENTY-SEVEN) past arrests and was known to spew out hateful threats about Jewish people and Americans. The article in my local online paper said that several of the other suspects (there were only 4—that must mean 2 outside the leader) have spent time in prison over drug charges “and may have converted to Islam in prison” authorities said.

Reading that  they may have (means almost assuredly) converted to Islam while serving prison sentences brings to mind the video, What Islam Is Not on recruiting from within the prisons a type of personality that they can control. So I’m posting that video at the top of this blog.

And while on the subject of terrorists on American soil, there was also a story released last night about the top terrorism suspect that will be coming to New York from Gitmo to stand trial here. The story subtitle is, “Ahmed Ghailani first Gitmo detainee to face trail in civilian criminal court”.

(By the way, do you believe Obama will keep us all safe and sound? Not me, I have absolutely no confidence in him, or his cabinet whatsoever.) Get ready for the schmooze, he gives a speech today on national security. (More blog fodder.)

Back to the first article, on the NY Muslim terrorists, there were so many spicey comments, that I feel I should include the first few here.

“I wonder if secretly Obama is upset these men were caught…”

“How very convenient. The day before Obama is to give a major speech about national security we have this bust. It comes just in time for Obama to point at it and say how safe he is keeping us. Will this overshadow all the other ways that he has put us at risk? Probably. His adoring fans in MSM will play it just as he wants it.”

“These guys may seem like total losers, but honestly, weren’t the 9-11 terrorists basically the same sort of idiots from the same shallow end of the meme pool? Maybe they can be thwarted if we just, you know, try. Never thought I’d say it, but congrats to the FBI for saving some lives!”

“If there are those who are gathering waterboards I shall not say their names! Of course, the Obama administration would like to place these men in the general U.S. population and give them social security payments, section 8 housing, free medical care and an apology for all of America’s wrongs!”


Earthquakes In Fort Worth/Dallas Metroplex


We had an earthquake today in Cow Town (Fort Worth). It was centered around Euless but felt as far West as Fort Worth. And there was an aftershock as well. Witnesses said it scared the heck out of them.

It was mild, a 3.3 on the Richter scale. But when you’re talking about a loud sonic BOOM! followed by the furniture shaking about—it follows that should unnerve a person pretty quick.

We also had one recently this past October. The Metroplex is not an earthquake area.

The largest earthquake in Texas’ history was near Valentine in 1931 (Valentine is SE of El Paso). That one destroyed most of the brick buildings but left the wood frame houses intact.

When I went looking for info on Texas earthquakes  I found conflicting info on the Valentine quake. One report states that quake had a richter reading of 5.80, another said it was a 6.0. And that there was another strong one registering 5.8 which occurred much later in 1995 (also occurring in West Texas) and was felt all the way in Austin. (This from the Institute for Geophysics at UT at Austin.

Looking over the excellent records kept by the Institute For Geophysics, I was very surprised to find that Texas has experienced MANY earthquakes over the years, though mild, causing little damage and not taking any lives (except for the bizarre incident where a Mexican man who’s adobe hut collapsed in on him across the Border).

Here’s the number of recorded earthquakes that UT at Austin gives by area of the state that registered at a 3.0 or greater:

West Texas—53


North East Texas—28

South Central Texas—20

Note that there have not been any (stress NOT any) recorded quakes in the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area until this past October 30th 2008. It was registered at 3.0 on the Richter. Today’s (May 16th 2009) clocked in at 3.3 and was in the same area as the one from this past October: Euless, Bedford, Irving, Fort worth, and Dallas.

When I told my mother about our latest earthquake, she asked me if all the drilling they’re doing around here for oil and gas could’ve caused it. THAT is a very good question. And it’s been asked before according to the UT at Austin FAQ article.

Q: Does drilling for oil and gas cause or trigger earthquakes?

A: Research carried out by UTIG scientists suggests that earthquakes in some parts of Texas may be induced by the pumping of fluids at oil and gas fields, or by the injection of fluids to dispose of chemical wastes. The earthquakes in the Fashing-Pleasanton area southeast of San Antonio are almost certainly caused by or triggered by pumping; such earthquakes also seem to occur in the Texas Panhandle near Snyder, Texas.

We know that over pumping of water from an underground well can cause the ground to collapse inward in an area because the filler is gone.

There is a lot of drilling activity going on around Fort Worth since the Barnett Shale was discovered and rights granted to oil companies to offer land holders proceeds from the production, if they’d allow drilling. But there’s a whole lot more to come. They’ve just been getting geared over the past couple years.

The landman (landsman) I spoke to said the shelf sits on a humongous area stretching roughly 5,000 sq mi (or more) and covering at least 17 counties. He added that the sweet spot is downtown Fort Worth.

One article suggests that it may be the largest onshore natural gas reserve in the entire USA.

So, if the Barnett Shale does turn out to be the biggest deposit yet found in these United States, what will be the outcome of extensive drilling? Could drilling be the reason that an area that has never had an earthquake in recorded history, suddenly has two (3.0, 3.3) within 7 months of each other?

We’ll find out as time goes by, and it all plays out.


Earthquake Seismology; Institute For Geophysics, University Of Texas At Austin: http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research/projects/eq/compendium/earthquakes_contents.htm

Earthquake FAQ, Texas Earthquakes; Institute For Geophysics, University Of Texas At Austin: http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research/projects/eq/faq/tx.htm

Historic Earthquakes; Earthquakes Hazards Program, USGS (United States Geological Survey: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/?region=Texas

Texan Earthquake Information; Earthquake Hazards Program, USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/events/1931_08_16.php

Minor Earthquake Rattles North Texas; DFW News: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Minor-Earthquake-Rattles-North-Texas.html

Barnett Shale; Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnett_Shale

Texas Earthquake Information; USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/?region=Texas

Several Small Earthquakes Rattle Texas, Oklahoma; FOX News:  (October 31, 2008: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,445568,00.html


Outsource Mother’s Day Wishes?

Mothers Day

So, the premise is that you’re too busy to even call your mother on Mother’s Day. What do you do? Well, you outsource that task to a company in India (of course).

And they’re expecting this idea to fly. It’s called MomSourcing (I swear).

Quoting the original ad:

“You know you should call your mom on Mother’s Day. But in today’s fast-paced world, between work, hobbies, and “me time”,  it can be hard to squeeze in.”

Just for the record, my mother would kill me, so it’s not even an option for me. But if it sounds like a hot idea to you–go for it! 🙂 You know that drive-thru church idea in Vegas certainly filled a nitch.

(Mother is a very creative ad agency in New York.) 🙂

Muslim Demographics

Submitted to YouTube March 2009 by friendofmuslim