Texas Patriot

Collection of news stories, comments/observations on events directly affecting American politics & society.

Archive for National

The health care mistake

Letter to the Editor of the Democrat Herald online newspaper.

Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:45 pm | (15) Comments

It’s a sad day in America. When we sent folks to Congress, they were elected to represent all of us. Yet they ignored the will of 60 percent of their constituents, in order to “fix” a problem that affects 15 percent of Americans.

There was a much simpler solution than the 2,000-page document they approved, and most of them either didn’t read it or didn’t understand all the details.

Here is my simple solution.

1) Insure the uninsured uninsurable. I’d help pay for that.

2) Clean up the fraud in Medicare/Medicaid, sooner than later.

3) Educate people about their options in health insurance coverage; catastrophic insurance is an affordable option. We don’t need a Cadillac plan that covers every little medical event.

4) Show people why it’s advantageous to eat healthier, exercise, and to stop drinking, smoking and taking illegal drugs.

5) Allow for interstate purchasing of health insurance.

6) Insurance commissioners need to say no to the rate increases. Without their approval, no rate increases will take place. Perhaps the rate increases need to go before a non-government employee board made up of everyday private citizens and business owners.

Instead of taking small steps to improve our health insurance plans, we are being saddled with a plan so full of loopholes, it will probably cost us more than we can ever hope to afford. A plan that could land you in jail if you refuse coverage — great plan. I am looking forward to November.

Jo Rae Perkins, Albany

(Jo is a buddy of mine, and she’s a straight shooter. Her article is here. )

Who Have We Become?

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency.

It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” Author Unknown

Texas Woman Told US Flag Is Offensive


A local woman, in the DFW Metroplex area, was forced to remove Old Glory from her office because of a complaint made by a co-worker who is an immigrant to the U.S.

The woman’s supervisor removed her flag and placed it on the FLOOR, adding insult to injury. This took place right before the Memorial Day weekend no less (adding further insult to injury).

Debbie McLucas, a supervisor at Kindred hospital in Mansfield, Texas had a 3’x5’ flag hanging in an office that she shares with the other 3 hospital supervisors. One of which was the complainer and is also an immigrant here from Africa.

This is both unbelievable and OUTRAGEOUS!

The one who complained was the one who took it upon herself to remove the flag and then laid it down on the floor. That is inexcusable behavior and gross misconduct! This goes against protocol and is a slap in the face to our military, their families, and every American patriot. It is a most grievous insult, and should be treated as such.

“When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive. ‘I was just totally speechless. I was like, ‘You’re kidding me,’ McLucas said.

McLucas’ husband and sons are former military men. Her daughter is currently serving in Iraq as a combat medic.

McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa. McLucas said that supervisor took down the flag herself.”

Incidentally, I submitted a comment, but it called me Anonymous. I didn’t see a place to sign in. My comment is the one that starts with “Shame, shame, SHAME . . . . “ I’ll figure out how to sign in and repost under my name. I’m not ashamed to tell the truth.

I hope that enough people will take offense at this and let Kindred know it. We need to be showing support for our country and our troops, esp at a time when our current administration is doing SO much to undermine our country and our troops.

Used to, immigrants to our shores were so very THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to be allowed to come live here, in a land where they could prosper and do better for themselves than what their previous prospects had been. They would join the military and took GREAT pride in displaying the American flag and in participating in acts of freedom granted to them by being citizens of these United States of America!

Now we have a bunch of spoiled rotten little babies on the bottle,  that are not only fault-finding grumbling murmurers, but also most ungracious and unappreciative. This type of person really should consider leaving America and moving somewhere else entirely. Let them go to France or better yet–CUBA!

U.S. Flag Found on Floor After Immigrant Complains


Supervisor Asks Woman To Take Down American Flag



Erase Me_Fukengruvin


Muslim Terrorist Plot In NY Against Americans & Jews

The FBI and NYPD captured 4 Muslim men Wednesday night who had plotted terrorist bombings on Jewish synagogues/centers and military targets in New York.  This was reported early on by my local NBC affiliate.

They attempted to plant bombs outside Jewish community centers in Riverdale (Bronx area). At least one of the bombs was a car bomb

“The FBI said the Muslim suspects were angry and full of hate for America.” (Well apparently they’re also anti-Semitic, let’s not miss that disturbing little fact. Americans and Jews—no matter where they are—seem to be the scapegoats and absolute targets of  every Muslim extremist we’ve found so far. Yep, definite pattern.)

Thankfully, the FBI knew of their plot for about a year, and even supplied them with fake bombs in an undercover operation prior to the attempt to use the bombs to murder innocent people.

An additional disturbing fact is that the leader of the Muslim terrorists has 27 (yes TWENTY-SEVEN) past arrests and was known to spew out hateful threats about Jewish people and Americans. The article in my local online paper said that several of the other suspects (there were only 4—that must mean 2 outside the leader) have spent time in prison over drug charges “and may have converted to Islam in prison” authorities said.

Reading that  they may have (means almost assuredly) converted to Islam while serving prison sentences brings to mind the video, What Islam Is Not on recruiting from within the prisons a type of personality that they can control. So I’m posting that video at the top of this blog.

And while on the subject of terrorists on American soil, there was also a story released last night about the top terrorism suspect that will be coming to New York from Gitmo to stand trial here. The story subtitle is, “Ahmed Ghailani first Gitmo detainee to face trail in civilian criminal court”.

(By the way, do you believe Obama will keep us all safe and sound? Not me, I have absolutely no confidence in him, or his cabinet whatsoever.) Get ready for the schmooze, he gives a speech today on national security. (More blog fodder.)

Back to the first article, on the NY Muslim terrorists, there were so many spicey comments, that I feel I should include the first few here.

“I wonder if secretly Obama is upset these men were caught…”

“How very convenient. The day before Obama is to give a major speech about national security we have this bust. It comes just in time for Obama to point at it and say how safe he is keeping us. Will this overshadow all the other ways that he has put us at risk? Probably. His adoring fans in MSM will play it just as he wants it.”

“These guys may seem like total losers, but honestly, weren’t the 9-11 terrorists basically the same sort of idiots from the same shallow end of the meme pool? Maybe they can be thwarted if we just, you know, try. Never thought I’d say it, but congrats to the FBI for saving some lives!”

“If there are those who are gathering waterboards I shall not say their names! Of course, the Obama administration would like to place these men in the general U.S. population and give them social security payments, section 8 housing, free medical care and an apology for all of America’s wrongs!”


Muslim Demographics

Submitted to YouTube March 2009 by friendofmuslim

National Tax Day Tea Party–Revolution Begins

Make no mistake, Americans are getting sick and tired of the games that Washington law makers are playing with our monies.

People of all ages, all races, all walks of life are uniting for the overall good: to send a clear and distinct message to our administration in Washington (and in political seats all across the country,  local and state) that EVERY lawmaker can be replaced. He/she can be retired, and a better man/woman that actually loves this country can take their place.

We need to throw out all the politicians and replace them with TRUE STATESMEN. Understand that there is a world of difference between a ‘politician’, and a ‘statesman’. Learn the difference. Ronald Reagan was a statesman, the head of our current administration is a motivational speaker full of empty promises and hot air.

On Greta Wire, she has a pole asking if this HUGE event that took place all across our nation today was a one time event, or the beginning of a serious movement.

When I took the poll there had been 28794 votes taken at that point. 26437 (or 99%–yes, NINETY-NINE PERCENT) all voted YES, that this is the Beginning of a movement. Only 357 (or 1%) voted No.

World Net Daily ran the story, “Taxpayers descend upon politicians in numbers far beyond expectations

Ning Results for Tax Day Tea Parties across the nation are here.

Pajama TV is running an article instructing individuals on starting their own tea party protests.

And Glenn Beck’s site announced the governor of Texas announcing that we can indeed secede, it’s completely doable, and at this point fiscally responsible to the tax payers of this great state. (But that’s another story entirely, which I’ll have to add later. I’ve already written two articles on that subject in this blog site at an earlier date.) My point is, people are fed up and ready for REAL change. not ‘chains’.

There is some totally awesome video footage taken from the Tax Day Tea Parties from around the nation. They really stir the patriotism. And if you haven’t heard Lloyd Marcus’ Tea Party Song, then you’re missing out! 🙂

I’ll include some videos here for your viewing pleasure: 🙂

Pictures from the Fort Worth National Tax Day Tea Party Event at La Grave Field:





National Tea Parties For Texas


Here are the addresses/times per city for the Tea Parties around Texas.

To see other states go here wnd.com

Jonathan Moss
**State coordinators serve as liaisons between this national effort and local events and not as the organizer for each individual event. If you want to attend or volunteer for a listed event, contact the event coordinator. If you want to organize a new event, contact the state coordinator AND email teapartyinfo@gmail.com. Thanks!**

The following is a list of CONFIRMED Tea Party Tax Revolts planned within the state of Texas. Please note that we ONLY list events happening on April 15th.


City: Abilene
When: April 15, 5:30pm
Where:Post Office on Pine Street
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Alpine
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: Railroad Park, E. Holland Ave
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=67674631285


City: Alvin
When: April 15, 12:00 noon – 1:00pm
Where: Across from Alvin Post Office, 455 E. House St.
Contact: EMAIL 281-734-3866
Facebook Group:


City: Amarillo
1st Event: April 15, Noon @ County Courthouse
2nd Event:April 15, 6:00pm @ Post Office
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Arlington
When: April 15, 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: River Legacy Park, 701 N.W. Green Oaks Blvd.
Contact: EMAIL
Other: arlingtonteaparty.blogspot.com
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Athens
When: April 15, 5:00pm
Where: Henderson County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Austin
When: 4:00 pm
Where: South Steps of the State Capitol Building (march to the lake)
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: http://havinganaustinteaparty.com/
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Baytown
When: April 15, 6:00pm
Where: Baytown Post Office on Baker Road
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: Beaumont
When: April 15, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: US Post Office, Walden Road
Contact: EMAIL
Phone: 409-338-0225
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Belton
When: April 15, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Where: Confederate Park, Park & Ride, Interstate 35 Frontage Road on Nolan Creek.
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Big Spring
When: April 15, 1200 noon – 1:00 pm
Where: East side of Howard County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Boerne
When: April 15, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m
Where: Main Plaza (corner of Main Street and West Blanco Street)
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:www.theythinkyouarestupid.com
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Brownwood
When: April 15, 11:00am – 1:00pm
Where: Wendlee Broadcasting parking lot, 600 Fisk
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: Bryan / College Station
When: April 15, 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Where: Tanglewood Park, 3900 Carter Creek Parkway
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: http://bcsteaparty.wordpress.com/
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Burleson
When: April 15, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
Where: Burleson Commons, 1501 SW Wilshire Blvd
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:www.burlesonteaparty.blogspot.com
Facebook Group:


City: Caldwell
When: April 15, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m
Where:702 Highway 21 west near the library
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:

We have 2 guest speakers

DJ for our Music/Sound System and Patriotic Music

Come early for ICE TEA and Sausage Wraps (first 200 only).

Free Drawing for a Special Book give-a-way

Wear RED- Bring your signs and flags and join us.

Website: http://texasteaparty.webs.com/


City: Carrollton/Farmers Branch/Colleyville
When: April 15, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Intersection of Josey Ln. and Trinity Mills (President George Bush Freeway)
Contact: EMAIL
Website: http://cfbcteaparty.blogspot.com/
Facebook Group: Coming Soon

City: College Station
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Veterans Park
Contact: EMAIL
Website: http://brazosteaparty.com/


City: Conroe
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Montgomery County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Phone: 936-524-7297


City: Columbus
When: April 15, 4:30pm
Where: Beasons Crossing Park on the Colorado River
Contact: EMAIL


City: Corpus Christi
When: April 15, 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Where: Lawrence Street T Head, 400A Shoreline
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Click Here


City: Dallas
When: April 15, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: Dallas City Hall
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Denton
When: April 15, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Where: Courthouse on the Square, 110 W Hickory
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Eastland
When: April 15, 12:00 noon
Where: Eastland County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: El Paso
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: State Line Restaurant, 1222 Sunland Park Dr.
Contact: EMAIL
Other info: http://elpasoteaparty.blogspot.com/
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Floresville
When: April 15, 7:00pm
Where: Wilson County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: Fort Worth
When: April 15, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: LaGrave Field, 301 NE 6th Street
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Fredricksburg
When: April 15, 11:30am – 1:300pm
Where: Marktplatz
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: Frisco
When: April 15, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Gaylord & Preston/ 3100 Preston Rd. and Lebanon & Preston/ 5049 Preston Rd.


City: Friendswood
When: April 15, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Centennial Park, 2200 Friendswood Dr
Contact: EMAIL
Other: http://tricountyteaparty.eaglevisionii.com/
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Georgetown
When: April 15, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Williamson County Courthouse Lawn
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Gilmer
April 15, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Upshur County Courthouse The courthouse is on the square in downtown Gilmer, Texas
Other info:
We have arranged for attendance by all county commissioners, several Judges and the county Sheriff. Attendees will then caravan to the Dallas, Texas protest.
Contact: EMAIL


City: Gonzales
When: April 15, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Where: 820 St. Joseph Street, Gonzales
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Houston
When: April 15, 4:00pm
Where: Jones Plaza in downtown Houston
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: http://www.houstontps.org
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE

City: Gun Barrel City
When: April 15, 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Where: at the intersection of Hwy 334 and Harbor Point Rd
Contact: EMAIL

City: Houston-North (formerly The Woodlands)
When: April 15, 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Rob Fleming Park in Creekside Village, 12200 Gosling Road
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: http://www.thewoodlandsteaparty.com
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Huntsville
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: post office on 11th street
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Hurst
When: April 15, time TBA
Where: Hurst City Hall, 1505 Precinct Line
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: Kerrville
When: April 15, 11:00am
Where: Kerrville County Courthouse, 700 Main Street
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Lake Jackson
April 15t, 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Civic Center Plaza
Contact: EMAIL


City: Livingston
When: April 15, 5:30 p.m. until …
Where: Polk County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other info: www.polkcountyteaparty.com


City: Lockhart
When: April 15, 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Where:Lockhart Court House, 110 S. Main
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:CLICK HERE


City: Longview
When: April 15, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: Gregg County Court House Lawn
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: Gregg County GOP
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Lubbock
When: April 15, 5:00pm
Where: Gazebo at the County Courthouse, Broadway and Texas Avenue
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: www.afiig.com
Facebook Group: Click Here


City: Marble Falls
When: April 15, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Rotary Flagpole in Lakeside Park
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: McAllen
When: April 15, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: Archer Park
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:http://www.mcallenteaparty.webs.com
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: McKinney
When: April 15, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Eldorado & Craig/ 2950 Craig Dr.


City: Meridian
When: April 15, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Where: Bosque County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon!


City: Nacogdoches
When: April 15, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Where: Downtown Square
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:http://www.etxtaxparty.com
Facebook Group: Click Here


City: New Braunfels
When: April 15, 11:00 am – 1:00pm
Where: gather around our local plaza and down the main street into town
Contact: EMAIL
Phone: 830-608-0774 or cell 830-708-4296 (Ruth)
Facebook Group:


City: Odessa
When: April 15, 12:00 Noon
Where: Odessa City Hall
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Paris
When: April 15, 12:00 Noon
Where: Town Square
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Pearland
When: April 15, 12:00 Noon
Where: Independence Park, 3919 Liberty Drive
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon

City: Plano
When: April 15, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Where: Park & Preston/2201 Preston Rd.  and Parker & Preston/3301 Preston Rd.


City: Port Lavaca
When: April 15, 6:00pm
Where:Caldwell Banker Bldg, 2025 N. Hwy 35
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: Richardson
When: April 15, Noon
Where:Richardson City Hall, 411 W. Arapaho
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Rockwall
When: April 15, 6:00pm
Where: Meet around the flag pole on the west side of City Hall
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: San Angelo
When: April 15, 5:30pm
Where: Tom Green County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: San Antonio
When: April 15, 4:00pm
Where: Alamo Plaza
Contact: EMAIL
Other: http://www.theythinkyouarestupid.com/
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: San Marcos
When: April 15, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: Hays County Courthouse, 111 E. San Antonio St., Gather at the Jack C. Hays Statue
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Seabrook
When: April 15, 6:00 pm
Where: Clear Lake Park
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


When: April 15, 10:00am
Where: Grayson County Courthouse lawn
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: Southlake
When: April 15, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: Town Square Pavilion (Rustin Park in Front of Town Hall)
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


When: April 15, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: on the square in Stephenville
Contact: EMAIL
Facebook Group:


City: Sugar Land
When: April 15, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Sugar Land City Hall at Town Square
Contact: EMAIL
Other: http://www.freespeechamerica.org
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE


City: Texarkana
When: April 15, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: War Memorials around Post Office on State Line Ave
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Click Here


City: Tomball
When: April 15, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Where: Tomball Post Office, Village Square Dr.
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Tyler
When: April 15, Noon – 1:30pm
Where: The Square (”TB Butler Plaza”) – just across from the Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: Afterwards we’re having a Tx Tea party Tailgater, and caravan to the Dallas tea party that night
Facebook Group:


City: Uvalde
When: April 15, 12:00 Noon
Where: Town Square
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: Victoria
When: April 15, 5:00 pm – 7:00pm
Where: De Leon Plaza, downtown Victoria
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:
Facebook Group:


City: Waco
When: April 15, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm and 5:00 pm -7:00 pm
Where: 11:30 am Heritage Square Park, The Freedom Fountain at 3rd St. & Austin Ave.

5:00 pm Suspension Bridge at Indian Springs Park
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:http://www.wacoteaparty.com
Facebook Group:CLICK HERE


City: Weatherford
When: April 15, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: First Monday Trade Grounds 200 Santa Fe Dr.
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info: Click Here
Facebook Group: Coming Soon


City: Wichita Falls
When: April 15, Noon – 1:30pm
Where: Wichita County Courthouse
Contact: EMAIL
Other Info:Afterwards we’re having a Tx Tea party Tailgater, and caravan to the Dallas tea party that night
Facebook Group:


Ken Timmerman on Michael Savage Show

I took this video from You Tube. You can visit the Michael Savage channel to see his collection.

This is some pretty stout stuff.

The message here is so disturbing! People need to know what’s going on in our world.

White House TV


Wow, this is interesting. I vaguely remember watching/reading something on this a while back.

Just launched today (April 1, 2009). Whitehouse.com, and  Whitehouse network and TV.

I hope this enterprise does well, it’s innovative, it’s smart, it’s needed, and it’s technologically cool. 🙂

The goals expressed for this endeavor are:

  • Claims to be the first live online political news network.
  • Promises to be  neutral and non-partisan
  • Will strive to consistently provide direct current info on American polity and provide real-time updates on the actions/goings on of our elected leaders.
  • It promises to allow a place/opportunity for Americans to express their opinions on current issues.
  • Live talk show with call-in capability using skype, cell,  and landline phones.
  • User generated content. They’re offering the platform for anyone to implement their own live call-in talk show with call-in  and live chat capability using their network. All you’ll need would be a camera and computer with internet connection.
  • Offer a toolkit for more experienced videographers to create more polished self-created shows.
  • Promise their hosted programs and productions will be consistent with the type of professional programming we’re used to seeing on the regular tv channels from the syndicates (CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, etc).
  • Plans to air newscasts 3 times daily, morning, noon, evening, with one special evening program nightly to start out.
  • Their goal is to go to 24 a day programming eventually

Quote from the site:

make your show live in minutes
You now have your chance to have your own Live TV Show just like a Sean Hannity or Keith Olbermann. All you need is a camera and an Internet connection. This is a Free Service, so start broadcasting.


God Bless Dr. Orly Taitz


I heard her speak on Blog Talk Radio this past Sunday night (on the Patriot’s Heart Broadcast Network). I sent out an email to my peeps about it–people need to know about this precious lady. THIS is the channel I actually listened to the broadcast.

She’s Russian, immigrated here to the States, and became a true American patriot. She’s fighting for our rights and she uses her skills in litigation. If you can, listen to the original podcast that I heard, it’s long–but it’s worth it–I promise. (They’re amateurs {like me}  but just stay with it–you’ll be glad you did.)

Dr. Taitz has her own website and a mailing list (I joined of course).

I hope you can catch that show. Check out her website and be encouraged. 🙂

World Net Daily did a story on her last night, it’s a good prep before listening to the Internet Radio show she did 3 nights ago. 🙂

Notre Dame — Should Obama Be Honored?


Father Jonathan Morris, correspondent for the Fox Forum, makes an excellent case for his faith/church in his article,  Controversy at Notre Dame–Should Obama Be Honored?


The cap and gown are not given to an “office.” They are recognitions of extraordinary personal accomplishment worthy of imitation.  When a Catholic university gleefully grants an honorary law degree to someone who is using the law against the most vulnerable members of the human family–the unborn–vigorous and charitable critique is warranted, because silence would imply approval.

Bless you Father Morris for taking a stand and shootin’ straight–YOU ROCK!

Patriot’s call Now Please


We need to get the Blue Dog Democrats to slow down budget approval in the House of Representatives. The vote in committee is tonight.


CALL 202-224-3121. Ask for one of these five Congressmen:

1. Alan Boyd of Florida
2. Bob Etheridge of North Carolina
3. Charlie Melancon of Louisiana
4. Chet Edwards of Texas
5. John Yarmuth of Kentucky

Tell them to vote no on the budget tonight. We can stop the budget if you will pick up your phone right now. The vote is tonight. See Paul Ryan in this video clip point out that Obama’s budget runs afoul of even European socialist rules: http://tinyurl.com/N0Vote

See more details and RSVP on Patriot’s Heart Broadcasting Network:


Patriot’s Heart Broadcasting Network

A Patriot’s heart is the place where the fire burns.

It is the energy that binds us.

Light your fire!

Ignite the flame for our Constitution!

Barney Frank Spewing Hate Speech at Judge Scalia?

March 24, 2009, Sallee5

Barney Frank attempts to throw a red herring in the ring in order to get the heat off his own tail for the HUGE part he played in NOT restricting Fannie May and Freddie Mac (even though Congress was warned 2-3 years ago by both George Bush and Senator John McCain (among other conservatives).

Sept 24, 2008, jaykest1

Sept 29, 2008, jeffreyrh

July 14, 2008, Bloomberg

Feb 26, 2009, Just00truth

About halfway thru you hear Barney Frank from just this past July 14, 2008 he’s on record here outright lying about his part in the now infamous Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae  scandal.

Oct 28, 2008, jbranstetter04

The Obama Deception – An Alex Jones Movie – Part 7

Author: BoKnowsEntertainment

Rep. Michele Bachmann Grilling Geithner and Bernanke

Here’s a true patriot! God bless her Michelle Bachmann 🙂

March 24, 2009, sallee5