Texas Patriot

Collection of news stories, comments/observations on events directly affecting American politics & society.

Archive for March, 2010

The health care mistake

Letter to the Editor of the Democrat Herald online newspaper.

Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:45 pm | (15) Comments

It’s a sad day in America. When we sent folks to Congress, they were elected to represent all of us. Yet they ignored the will of 60 percent of their constituents, in order to “fix” a problem that affects 15 percent of Americans.

There was a much simpler solution than the 2,000-page document they approved, and most of them either didn’t read it or didn’t understand all the details.

Here is my simple solution.

1) Insure the uninsured uninsurable. I’d help pay for that.

2) Clean up the fraud in Medicare/Medicaid, sooner than later.

3) Educate people about their options in health insurance coverage; catastrophic insurance is an affordable option. We don’t need a Cadillac plan that covers every little medical event.

4) Show people why it’s advantageous to eat healthier, exercise, and to stop drinking, smoking and taking illegal drugs.

5) Allow for interstate purchasing of health insurance.

6) Insurance commissioners need to say no to the rate increases. Without their approval, no rate increases will take place. Perhaps the rate increases need to go before a non-government employee board made up of everyday private citizens and business owners.

Instead of taking small steps to improve our health insurance plans, we are being saddled with a plan so full of loopholes, it will probably cost us more than we can ever hope to afford. A plan that could land you in jail if you refuse coverage — great plan. I am looking forward to November.

Jo Rae Perkins, Albany

(Jo is a buddy of mine, and she’s a straight shooter. Her article is here. )

Who Have We Become?

The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency.

It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president.

The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.

The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” Author Unknown

The Conservative Monster.com: NRA: The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico

I’ve been keeping a distubed eye on the murders/kidnappings along the Border for a couple of years now. It moved onto US soil and really started heating up last year with the arrests made up north.

This video shows the political side of the mess going on along the Border.

The Conservative Monster.com: NRA: The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico.

DFW Quakes & Drilling Procedures

In an article released Wednesday (March 11th) by our local NBC affiliate online news source, the author cites the findings of two studies by local universities that present a theory on the cause of at least some of the earthquakes that North Texas has been experiencing.

The article states that both SMU and UT have conducted the same studies and drawn similar conclusions. The studies seem to indicate that the quakes may not be linked to the actual drilling, but to the procedure done after the drilling, the disposal of the waste water used during the drilling process.

Waste water is injected deep into the earth after it’s no longer needed. Studies are showing that the quakes are found at the same depth as the waste water disposal depth.

Read the full article here.