Texas Patriot

Collection of news stories, comments/observations on events directly affecting American politics & society.

Archive for Videos

The Conservative Monster.com: NRA: The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico

I’ve been keeping a distubed eye on the murders/kidnappings along the Border for a couple of years now. It moved onto US soil and really started heating up last year with the arrests made up north.

This video shows the political side of the mess going on along the Border.

The Conservative Monster.com: NRA: The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico.

Muslim Terrorist Plot In NY Against Americans & Jews

The FBI and NYPD captured 4 Muslim men Wednesday night who had plotted terrorist bombings on Jewish synagogues/centers and military targets in New York.  This was reported early on by my local NBC affiliate.

They attempted to plant bombs outside Jewish community centers in Riverdale (Bronx area). At least one of the bombs was a car bomb

“The FBI said the Muslim suspects were angry and full of hate for America.” (Well apparently they’re also anti-Semitic, let’s not miss that disturbing little fact. Americans and Jews—no matter where they are—seem to be the scapegoats and absolute targets of  every Muslim extremist we’ve found so far. Yep, definite pattern.)

Thankfully, the FBI knew of their plot for about a year, and even supplied them with fake bombs in an undercover operation prior to the attempt to use the bombs to murder innocent people.

An additional disturbing fact is that the leader of the Muslim terrorists has 27 (yes TWENTY-SEVEN) past arrests and was known to spew out hateful threats about Jewish people and Americans. The article in my local online paper said that several of the other suspects (there were only 4—that must mean 2 outside the leader) have spent time in prison over drug charges “and may have converted to Islam in prison” authorities said.

Reading that  they may have (means almost assuredly) converted to Islam while serving prison sentences brings to mind the video, What Islam Is Not on recruiting from within the prisons a type of personality that they can control. So I’m posting that video at the top of this blog.

And while on the subject of terrorists on American soil, there was also a story released last night about the top terrorism suspect that will be coming to New York from Gitmo to stand trial here. The story subtitle is, “Ahmed Ghailani first Gitmo detainee to face trail in civilian criminal court”.

(By the way, do you believe Obama will keep us all safe and sound? Not me, I have absolutely no confidence in him, or his cabinet whatsoever.) Get ready for the schmooze, he gives a speech today on national security. (More blog fodder.)

Back to the first article, on the NY Muslim terrorists, there were so many spicey comments, that I feel I should include the first few here.

“I wonder if secretly Obama is upset these men were caught…”

“How very convenient. The day before Obama is to give a major speech about national security we have this bust. It comes just in time for Obama to point at it and say how safe he is keeping us. Will this overshadow all the other ways that he has put us at risk? Probably. His adoring fans in MSM will play it just as he wants it.”

“These guys may seem like total losers, but honestly, weren’t the 9-11 terrorists basically the same sort of idiots from the same shallow end of the meme pool? Maybe they can be thwarted if we just, you know, try. Never thought I’d say it, but congrats to the FBI for saving some lives!”

“If there are those who are gathering waterboards I shall not say their names! Of course, the Obama administration would like to place these men in the general U.S. population and give them social security payments, section 8 housing, free medical care and an apology for all of America’s wrongs!”


Muslim Demographics

Submitted to YouTube March 2009 by friendofmuslim

John Rich at Atalanta Tea Party

Awesome song, awesome rally too! 😉

Bless you Georgia! GO USA!!!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “John Rich at Atalanta Tea Party“, posted with vodpod

I posted this in the video line up over in column 3, because the player is too big for this window–sorry, can’t change the settings.  🙂

National Tax Day Tea Party–Revolution Begins

Make no mistake, Americans are getting sick and tired of the games that Washington law makers are playing with our monies.

People of all ages, all races, all walks of life are uniting for the overall good: to send a clear and distinct message to our administration in Washington (and in political seats all across the country,  local and state) that EVERY lawmaker can be replaced. He/she can be retired, and a better man/woman that actually loves this country can take their place.

We need to throw out all the politicians and replace them with TRUE STATESMEN. Understand that there is a world of difference between a ‘politician’, and a ‘statesman’. Learn the difference. Ronald Reagan was a statesman, the head of our current administration is a motivational speaker full of empty promises and hot air.

On Greta Wire, she has a pole asking if this HUGE event that took place all across our nation today was a one time event, or the beginning of a serious movement.

When I took the poll there had been 28794 votes taken at that point. 26437 (or 99%–yes, NINETY-NINE PERCENT) all voted YES, that this is the Beginning of a movement. Only 357 (or 1%) voted No.

World Net Daily ran the story, “Taxpayers descend upon politicians in numbers far beyond expectations

Ning Results for Tax Day Tea Parties across the nation are here.

Pajama TV is running an article instructing individuals on starting their own tea party protests.

And Glenn Beck’s site announced the governor of Texas announcing that we can indeed secede, it’s completely doable, and at this point fiscally responsible to the tax payers of this great state. (But that’s another story entirely, which I’ll have to add later. I’ve already written two articles on that subject in this blog site at an earlier date.) My point is, people are fed up and ready for REAL change. not ‘chains’.

There is some totally awesome video footage taken from the Tax Day Tea Parties from around the nation. They really stir the patriotism. And if you haven’t heard Lloyd Marcus’ Tea Party Song, then you’re missing out! 🙂

I’ll include some videos here for your viewing pleasure: 🙂

Pictures from the Fort Worth National Tax Day Tea Party Event at La Grave Field:



